This is an information page

I am treating this as a sort of general interests page, which will contain a variety of things

As i kind of bound between interests i constructed this page in a way that illustrates that. This page contains a few embedded videos which i enjoy, a few wikipedia links to games which i enjoy (no proper reviews yet considering that they all, barring FFX have remained incomplete in my back catalogue)

WARNING: the CSS i coded for the right side card is broken and hides text if they have links attached, roll over the card to see the text

As a JRPG nut i recommend that you play:
  • Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne (2003/2020 remaster) Pros: On modern systems now, Cons: the remaster kinda sucks in terms of quality (OG PS2 sound files, poor performance)
  • Final Fantasy X(2001 2013/2015/2016/2019 remaster(s)Pros: Good, comes with X-2, the sequel, Cons: (link attached)This guy
  • Final Fantasy XII (2006/2017/2019)Pros: Gambit system (sorta programmable if then statement AI for your party members, Cons: That same system
  • REQUIRED READING (Videos i enjoy a normal amount)